How to Get a Girlfriend - Part 1

How to Get a Girlfriend

You've probably noticed that there are
thousands of single girls around,
then why is it so difficult to get a girlfriend? First you need to get a girl to notice that you actually exist, we'll get to that shortly but even before that you should
give yourself an immediate advantage:

  • Vividly imagine how you will feel when you are with your new girlfriend
  • See yourself out on a date together - Where do you go? What are you doing together?
  • Imagine yourself with your partner - What are you wearing? What is your partner saying?
  • Do these things for at least 5 minutes, 3 times a day and concentrate on building a detailed fantasy in your mind.
  • Register at
    (its free) and let the Dream Genie help you get your dream girl

Once you've mastered your own thoughts it's time to
take action

You need to
meet many girls
and talk to them. Just go out to places where single girls are likely to be:
  • The mall near to womens clothes stores
  • A cafe
  • A class or club
  • The gym
  • Even a book store

The law of averages says that if you meet enough girls
you will find the right one for you.

Try to be confident when you talk to girls. After all what is the worst that could happen? - they may not be interested in you. So move on, if you're meeting plenty of girls it's not a problem and the more often it happens, the easier it will get and the less you'll worry about it.

So what can you say when approaching a girl? Smile, say "Hi" and follow up with a simple question relevant to the situation. If you're at the mall, try saying "Hi, it's busy / quiet here today isn't it?" and
always be positive

Once you're meeting girls how do you turn one into a girlfriend? Do something to make them happy - everyone works on a pleasure / pain system. That means we tend to do things that give us immediate pleasure and avoid things that give us pain. Quite likely you avoid talking to girls because, in the back of your mind, you think that you may be rejected and this will cause you pain. Try to think instead that you will need to talk to a certain number of girls before you find the 'one'. How many? 3, more likely 10, maybe 100 or even 500. If the answer is 100, each time you face rejection, rejoice because
you are 1 percent closer to finding your dream partner

A girl will be attracted to you if you make her feel happy, you are taking her away from pain and providing her with immediate pleasure. Take notice of her - talk to her. Say nice things about her. Boost her confidence by smiling, asking questions and listening attentively to her responses Give her a gift (something small to start with like a bar of chocolate not a 5 carat diamond ring or 100 red roses). Compliment her but don't go over the top. Leave before you run out of things to talk about and say "I've got to go now but
it's been great talking to you
, if you're around here again maybe we could have coffee?"

Once you've met someone who you feel is the one for you
put them into your daily visualisation
and you're nearly there. Just remember, a dream that involves another person can only come true if it would make them happy too

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