Season 9 Shopkins List

This is a list of season 9 Shopkins released in October 2017.
The images are very high resolution
ready for high quality printing.

You can view and print a full size version
of the Season 9 Shopkins checklist by clicking the small image.

season 5 shopkins list - click for larger image
High Resolution Season Nine Shopkins Images
season 5 shopkins complete list - click for high resolution image

This page was designed for Shopkins Season 9 collectors who want to check the names of the characters they have bought in blind bags or sets. There are images available on other sites but the quality is usually poor and they do not print well.

The images on this page are small but by clicking the small image you can access a very high resolution version which you can print.

If you're just looking for a list of the season 9 Shopkins character names, you will find them further down this page.

Happy Collecting!

Shopkins Season 9 Names

Apple Blossom
Audrey Strawberry Milk
Betty Cassette
Bianca Banana
Bling Unicorn Ring
Bowla Fruits
Bryce Cookie Slice
Bubble Gum Sweetheart
Calista Cake
Camile cream Cookie
Candi Cotton
Candice Candle
Candy Kisses
Carmen Le Creme
Celeste Rainbow Dress
Charlotte Heart Cake
Charmin Chocolates
Cheri Choc Chip Bread
Chester Cheesecake
Cody Coco
Color Cake
Cookie Sue Flay
Cotton Candice Dress
Cotton Top Cake
Cupcake Chic
Cupcake Queen
Cupcakes Crumbles
Cutie Compact
Elain Bow Shoe
Eunice Unicorn Dress
Flossy Donut
Fluffy Buffy Shoes
Fran Fruit Hat
Holly Brolly Cupcake
Honey Hearts
Icy Cool Kids
Judy Fruit Cake
Kaila Keyboard
Karlee Candy Jar
Kissy Kicks
Kookie Cookie
Lemona Lima
Lina Loaf
Lippy Lips
Lippy Zips
Little Bow Bella
Lottie Lolly Jar
Love Lee Handbag
Lovely Hearts Teapot
Marabel Music Player
Marcia Heart Mug
Martha Choc Chip Muffin
Melba Milkshake
Melon Minutes
Miss Pressy
Missy Makeup Case
Mitzy Oven Mit
Nick Fruit Stick
Nicole Parasole
Pamela Camera
Patty Pineapple Lamp
Petite Petals
Polly Cake Pop
Polly Pointes
Polly Polish
Primrose Pancakes
Rainbow Glow
Rainbow Scent
Rainbow Swirls
Rowena Ring Box
Shades DeBallet
Silvia Slushie
Snug Lee Ski Jacket
Soda Pops
Spilt Milk
Starry Unicorn Heels
Stella Citrus Shoe
Strawberry Kiss
Sunni Brim
Sweetie Scent
Swirly Shirley
Tiny Tops Cake
Tutu Cute
Wanita Waffle
Wynter Water Bottle
Yo Chi
Zippy Lime Bag

Click here for Season 6 Shopkins List