Find Love / Get Back an Ex-Boyfiend or Girlfriend - Most Popular Dreams

Getting someone to love you is not an easy dream to have come true. You may need to change yourself to become the person they are looking for. If this is something you do not want to do then maybe the girl / boy of your dreams is not the right one for you. If you're sure you want them, here are some things you can do:
- Convince them you are the one for them
- Try to find out what the person is looking for in a partner (maybe from a mutual friend)
- Think of some reasons why getting together would benefit the other person and let them know
- Let your dream partner know how you feel but be subtle, don't overpower them
- Try to get this person to notice you. Could you bump into them at the gym or at a mutual friends house?
- You must become boyfriend / girlfriend in your mind first
- Imagine how you will feel when you are with your girlfriend / boyfriend
- See yourself out on a date together - Where do you go? What are you doing together?
- Imagine yourself with your partner - What will you be wearing? What will your partner wear?
- Register with (its free) and let the Dream Genie help you get your dream date
- Make sure they are the one
- Remember a wish that involves another person can only come true if it would make them happy too
- If nothing works, accept that this person is not the one for you and find your true soulmate elsewhere
- Online dating sites can help but be careful, there are many people you would not wish to meet. Pay sites are likely to be better than free ones if you can afford them