My Example Dream

Enter your dream details - remember to use your imagination. Click to return to Add dream.

Dream Title Dream Title
Enter a title for your dream - keep it short and simple.
See See
Imagine your dream has already come true. In your mind's eye look around you. What do you see? Enter as much detail as you can.
Hear Hear
Imagine your dream has already come true. Listen to the sounds around you. What do you hear? Enter as much detail as you can.
Feel Feel
Imagine your dream has already come true. What do you feel? Enter as much detail as you can.
Taste Taste
Imagine your dream has already come true. Is there any taste that is synonymous with this dream? Enter as much detail as you can.
Smell Smell
Imagine your dream has already come true. Is there any smell that is synonymous with this dream? Enter as much detail as you can.
Target Date (dd/mm/yyyy)

How to make your wish come true

5 Newest Shared Wishes
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“Realise your wildest dreams now”

Make them come true

Steps 1, 2 and 3

  1. Imagine it
  2. Tell The Genie
  3. Get it